Understanding the flow of PWR (Power) coin within the Maxx Ecosystem

This article visually represents the PWR (Power) coin flow within the Maxx Ecosystem, outlining different processes for users to stake, claim rewards, and convert PWRD to PWR.

The above process flow diagram represents the steps taken by users purchasing $MAXX tokens on either the BSC or ETH networks and staking those token in order to receive PWR coin rewards on MaxxChain.
Process Flow for $MAXX BSC/$MAXX ETH Staking and PWR Conversion:
- Users first purchase $MAXX BSC/ETH via PancakeSwap/Uniswap:
$MAXX BSC Contract and link to PancakeSwap: 0x3e61c7fb137765e7cfcc4399d2d7d5bc1838d6b1
$MAXX ETH Contract and link to Uniswap: 0x966e770030209C95F974f37Edbde65D98e853354 - Users can then stake their $MAXX tokens within the Staking dApp by clicking HERE.
Once the users $MAXX tokens are staked, PWRD rewards are accumulated based on the APY and the amount of tokens staked. - As PWRD rewards are accumulated, users can claim their rewards at anytime and receive PWRD tokens in their wallet depending on their chain (BSC/ETH):
PWRD BSC Contract: 0x467833Bad9eB455229E118Af9A12f3C579c7f11C
PWRD ETH Contract: 0x0bE5DA34c333804b793a3B3B31C3203B2BdD7e94 - To convert their PWRD to PWR, users will have to access the MaxxBridge by clicking HERE. The user will need to then connect their DeFi wallet to the MaxxBridge and, based on their network, transfer their PWRD tokens from BSC/ETH to MaxxChain. When entering an amount, be sure to enter full numbers with up to 2 decimals to ensure the transaction goes through. In case that doesn’t work, remove the decimals entirely.
- Once PWRD tokens are transferred via the MaxxBridge, users will receive wPWR on MaxxChain, 1:1 based on their PWRD holdings on BSC/ETH – these can be used to trade on MaxxChain, or converted to PWR using MaxxSwap in order to transfer to Coinstore.

The above process flow diagram represents the steps taken for users purchasing $MAXX tokens on MaxxChain and staking those token in order to receive PWR coin rewards on MaxxChain.
Process Flow for $MAXX PWR Staking and PWR Rewards:
- Users first purchase $MAXX PWR via MaxxSwap:
$MAXX PWR Contract and link to MaxxSwap: NOT YET RELEASED - Users can then stake their $MAXX tokens within the Staking dApp by clicking HERE.
Once the users $MAXX tokens are staked, PWR rewards are accumulated based on the APY and the amount of tokens staked. - As PWR rewards are accumulated, users can claim their rewards at anytime and receive PWR tokens in their wallet within the MaxxChain network.

The above process flow diagram represents the steps taken by the Maxx Team in order to use the accumulated staking taxes from both $MAXX BSC and $MAXX ETH tokens, and purchasing PWR coin, which is then distributed to stakers as rewards.
Process Flow for $MAXX BSC/$MAXX ETH/$MAXX PWR Staking Tax Accumulation:
- As users purchase and sell $MAXX BSC and $MAXX ETH tokens, 3% of the buy and sell tax is accumulated within the Staking wallet in BNB and ETH.
- The Maxx Team will send the BNB and ETH to CoinStore, PWR coins listed CEX
- The BNB and ETH will then be converted into USDT
- The USDT will be used to purchase PWR coin on the CEX
- The total amount of PWR coin purchased on the CEX will be sent to the MaxxBridge
- Based on the number of PWR coins deposited into the bridge for rewards, the same number of PWRD tokens will be deposited into the reward pools within the staking dApp and the APY’s will then be automatically adjusted based on the total rewards in each of the pools.
- On MaxxChain, as users purchase and sell $MAXX PWR tokens, 3% of the buy and sell tax is accumulated within the Staking wallet in PWR. These coins are deposited directly into the rewards pool within the staking dApp and the APY’s are automatically adjusted based on the total rewards in the pool.

The above process flow diagram represents the process for users that have contributed to Phase 1 and/or Phase 2 of our PWR coin presale on the Novation launchpad.
In order to prepare for the airdrop, it is advised that the user enters the custom network information for MaxxChain. Note that as of this writing, DiveWallet is the only DeFi wallet currently supporting MaxxChain natively, meaning, this step can be disregarded for DiveWallet users. Mainnet details are below:
MaxxChain Mainnet Info
Network Name: MaxxChain
Rpc: https://mainrpc.maxxchain.org
Rpc2: https://mainrpc2.maxxchain.org
Rpc3: https://mainrpc3.maxxchain.org
Rpc4: https://mainrpc4.maxxchain.org
Ticker: PWR
Chain ID: 10201
Explorer1: https://scan.maxxchain.org
Explorer2: https://explorer.maxxchain.org
Note: only 1 of the multiple RPC/Explorer links need to be used
Process Flow for PWRP Presale Holders and Airdrop for PWR Coin:
- Users contribute BNB to the PWR coin presale within the Novation Launchpad
- Upon the presales completion, PWRP tokens were transferred to all contributing wallets on the BSC network.
PWRP token balances can be reviewed by entering the following contract in your DeFi wallet:
PWRP BSC Contract: 0x610285c09b50F32D372106dce68b624781EDD860 - Prior to official mainnet launch, the Maxx team will airdrop PWR coin 1:1 based on the users PWRP holdings.
Once the Maxx team confirms the airdrop has been completed, users will need to switch their network within their DeFi wallet from BSC to MaxxChain in order to view their PWR coins.
After the airdrop, the PWRP tokens within the DeFi wallet will be deemed useless.