MaxxChain Updates — March 5, 2024

2 min readMar 6, 2024


MaxxChain onboards XBTO for Enhanced Market Presence: A Key Step Before Listing on Bitmart

MaxxChain has taken a significant step forward by onboarding the services of XBTO, a renowned leader in the field of liquidity provision and market making in the cryptocurrency world. This endeavor is particularly noteworthy as it aligns with today’s announcement that MaxxChain will soon be listing its PWR coin on Bitmart (paired with USDT — on March 12, 2024). This listing is expected to foster a strong pairing on Bitmart, further enhancing the visibility and accessibility of PWR coin in the crypto market.

XBTO: Trailblazers in Crypto Market Innovation

Since its inception in 2015, XBTO has made a profound impact on the digital asset space. Initially starting as a proprietary trading firm, XBTO has diversified its offerings to include a comprehensive range of services, such as crypto trading, custody, and liquidity provision. Their deep expertise in ensuring market stability and efficient trading will be instrumental in MaxxChain’s growth.

MaxxChain: A New Era in Blockchain for Logistics

MaxxChain’s groundbreaking initiative to incorporate blockchain technology into the freight factoring industry marks a significant shift towards modernizing the logistics sector. By bringing blockchain’s benefits of security, transparency, and efficiency to freight financial transactions, MaxxChain is paving the way for a more streamlined and advanced freight industry.

The Synergy Between XBTO and MaxxChain

This endeavor aims to utilize XBTO’s expertise in market making to improve the liquidity and trading dynamics of the PWR coin on Bitmart, as well as all other future listings. This enhancement is crucial, especially as the MaxxChain team dedicates its efforts towards the integration of blockchain and Web3 technologies in freight factoring services. The expected result is a more robust market presence and increased reliability for PWR coin, drawing more participants to the MaxxChain ecosystem and benefitting both crypto enthusiasts and logistics professionals.

Benefits for PWR Coin Holders

The involvement of XBTO in providing strong liquidity and market making services is poised to significantly boost the trading volume and accessibility of PWR coin. For holders, this means an improved trading experience, potential for growth in the coin’s value, and broader adoption, especially in the freight factoring sector.

Stay connected with MaxxChain for further updates and information through our social channels available on our website.




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